my sprunki hcs but in text from since I haven't drawn all of them yet el oh el
they're kinda based off of their canon but I just added my own little spin :333 BEATS Oren - Cis dude, has a big fat crush on simon. fluffy orange alien with glowing antenna, black shirt with a baggy over shirt and torn sk8ter jeans. he smells oddly enough like banana
he's laid back, uses a lot of today's slang, and skates ALOT
Raddy - Cis dude, str8 as FUCK. a buff red goat who has four horns and wears a white tank top and black sweats, his pupils are slanted sidways. he smells faintly of sweat cause he works out so much lol
he's short tempered, egotistical, and he works out a bunch
Clukr - Cis dude, happily married with garnold. a silver beetle with mandibles near his mouth and on his temples, he has a exoskeleton back and he has little legs on his sides. he smells kinda like oil but mostly of cologne. he's intelligent, and spends a lot of time building robotics with garnold.
Vineria - transmasc, str8. a tall plant with dreads, pink flowers and vines in his hair, he wears a oversized sweater w/ flowers on it. he smells really strongly of weed with a mix of perfume.
VERY laid back, a stoner ( lol ), he draws alot of flowers and paints them.
Fun-Bot - Cis dude?????? he's a robot so idk. a grey robot with fur and hair implemented on his head and chest, his eyes r a visor and his mouth is connected to them, his antenna glow when he feels intense emotion. he smells like metal I guesshelep
very smart due to him being a robot, he gets asked alot of questions by the other sprunkis due to him being basically an AI, he likes to read
Grey - Cis dude, str8, dating wenda. a fluffy grey dog ( a breed of shepherd dog to be specific ) usually wears a Weezer shirt and a pair of baggy blue jeans. he smells like Britney spears midnight fantasy perfume
slightly sarcastic, seems tired, chill, not much exaggerated personality, he uses perfume because wenda forces him because cologne smells bad to her and she doesn't like it.
Brud - CIs dude, even he's not sure what he is or who he likes lol. a fluffy brown critter ( I don't know what to make him lol ) with a grey bucket on his head, his eyes are off center and he has two mandibles around his mouth.( I feel like he'd be some sort of bug ), he wears a light brown sweater and black jeans. he smells like dirt and moss but in a really good way.
he's clumsy, a bit dumb, and he likes to eat moss when nobody's around. Garnold - CIs dude, married w/ clukr. a critter who usually wears a pair of oil stained overalls, a white t-shirt, and giggles on his head, his gold suit has goggles on it's head, the suit has springlocks in it and it has an electronic visor, it's made of steel and the springlocks are located in his upper and lower torso, arms, neck, head, and legs. he smells like oil and sweat ( he DOES shower but he works really hard on his creations ) he's buff due to all the heavy-lifting of metal and he spends a lot of time plotting and building robots, both him and clukr built computer, and fun-bot.
OWAKCX - Cis dude, pansexual with no preference. a spiky lime green sea urchin with fluff on his chest. one of his pupils is bigger than the other. he smells like chlorine in a pool. he's very on edge, he's always tense and alert, when relaxed his spikes go down and become fuzzy and fluffy, he chitters when relaxed.
Sky - CIs dude, str8. he's 14 El oh. El. a sky blue bear who's slightly on the bigger side, he's fluffy, and wears pajamas often. he smells like Lysol disinfectant spray
he's your average teenager, but he collects teddy bears, he's chill and laid back, but he also has alot to say and he's kinda snarky. he thrifts alot of his bears so he has to clean them using lysol
Durple - Cis dude, Bi. a purple dragon with a slightly longer neck than the other sprunkis, he has two long slightly curled horns and webbed fins ( or ears ) on the side of his head. he smells like smoke very faintly. he's very funny and cracks a lot of jokes, he can breath fire and huff smoke out of his nostrils when upset, he's bigger than the other sprunkis due to him being a dragon.
Simon - Transmasc, has a fat crush on oren but he doesn't know. a fluffy yellow alien with spikes on the sides of his head,his hair is curly, he usually wears a white t-shirt and baggy sweatpants. he smells like cologne.
he's loud, energetic, and drinks a lot of soda, he likes playing video games w/ oren and he makes fun of him when he loses. he's very out of pocket and has little to no filter.
Tunner - CIs dude, bi. a critter ( he's not really an animal but he's DEF something. ) who's both fluffy and scaly in different areas. he wears sheriff/cowboy lookin' stuff and he has a very western accent. he smells like fall trees.
he's kind, and gives off dad vibes, he has a STRONG western accent and he enjoys driving and allowing the wind to get in his fur ( and on his scales )
VOICES computer - ??? no clue. a computer bot thingy. a computer who was built a body, his arms and legs are skinny and metal, while his hands and feet are soft and have pawpads. his head is a computer screen and his torso is protected with durable metal. his tail is a black wire with a charger port on the end. he has a propeller hat on. he smells like metal???
he', he likes to have fun and party, he can charge himself by sticking his tail into an outlet. he was garnold's and cluker's first creation.
Wenda - Cis chick, dating grey. a fluffy white cat with curly, soft hair. she's tall and hovers over anyone she stands by, she smells like perfume and vanilla.
wenda is slightly rude, but also very flirty when it comes to grey, she's very teasing and she likes to go mall shopping and make grey come with her, and she lets him go to hot topic el oh el.
Pinki - Cis chick, she a MAD lesbian on God trust. a pink fluffy rabbit who wears bows in her hair. she wears juicy couture jumpsuits and other stuff of their brand. she smells like perfume. like. REALLY strongly of really nice perfume brands.
pinki is a girly girl who's actually really sweet, like, REALLY. sweet, she offers to buy the other sprunkis food and presents and she's very sentimental,
Jevin - Cis dude, blacks little e-kitten.. EHELP. jevin is a blue fluffy critter who wears a cloak all the time, if you pull his hood down he has fluffy hair that's very soft to the touch. he smells like a candle??? Idk
jevin is a closed off, very introverted cultist who doesn't speak much. he's selectively mute and only really talks to black, he's tall and slim and her rarely takes his hood down. he's basically black's disciple but he really doesn't want to be but he won't fess that up to black ( he's kinda scared of him )
Black - Cis dude, jevins emo alpha..EHELPME. black is also. fluffy. and he's a shapeshifter who usually takes the form of a slightly humanoid with a black tophat. he smells like. good. but you can;t really pinpoint what he smells like he just smells decent idk.
black doesn't speak much, and he's also very closed off, but he's a master manipulator who makes slick, smooth moves on the other sprunkis for his own will, he has a condescending attitude and he's kinda unnerving to talk too. anywaysss uhh. yeah. giggle. I will draw my designs of them later
this was on my. Tumblr.
I remember one time there was a blackout floor 11 and there was a main and this poppy just went like
And left the floor untouched... most surprising day of my life tbh I have never seen a poppy do such hard work other than my sister who currently has 3 mains and started as poppy too(she does solo runs all the time)😀
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I'm going to touch his antennas.
i was taking about the user but ok
kyanny can i request for u to tortue him
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Oy boy oh boy I can't wait to-
The chat is dead.
I miss my tall autistic boyfriend who I got into sprunki. where is he.
I need to make a sprunki au with this freakazoid right now.
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do you sneak into your attic
only on thursdays
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spoink bub was so hapi to see u doe 😭 /silly
I miss my tall autistic boyfriend
where is he when I need my freak matched. sigh.
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mr beast!!!
Does someone have a chat revival card with them I can't find one😭
I feel like joining the chaos what do I do
Whi do I talk to aaa😭
(Why am I obsessed with mokey's show all of the sudden)
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i hate homework i wish i was not homework
(me casually adding my oc to random drawings also I wanna do this AGAIN)
my sprunki hcs but in text from since I haven't drawn all of them yet el oh el
they're kinda based off of their canon but I just added my own little spin :333 BEATS
Oren - Cis dude, has a big fat crush on simon. fluffy orange alien with glowing antenna, black shirt with a baggy over shirt and torn sk8ter jeans. he smells oddly enough like banana
he's laid back, uses a lot of today's slang, and skates ALOT
Raddy - Cis dude, str8 as FUCK. a buff red goat who has four horns and wears a white tank top and black sweats, his pupils are slanted sidways. he smells faintly of sweat cause he works out so much lol
he's short tempered, egotistical, and he works out a bunch
Clukr - Cis dude, happily married with garnold. a silver beetle with mandibles near his mouth and on his temples, he has a exoskeleton back and he has little legs on his sides. he smells kinda like oil but mostly of cologne. he's intelligent, and spends a lot of time building robotics with garnold.
Vineria - transmasc, str8. a tall plant with dreads, pink flowers and vines in his hair, he wears a oversized sweater w/ flowers on it. he smells really strongly of weed with a mix of perfume.
VERY laid back, a stoner ( lol ), he draws alot of flowers and paints them.
Fun-Bot - Cis dude?????? he's a robot so idk. a grey robot with fur and hair implemented on his head and chest, his eyes r a visor and his mouth is connected to them, his antenna glow when he feels intense emotion. he smells like metal I guesshelep
very smart due to him being a robot, he gets asked alot of questions by the other sprunkis due to him being basically an AI, he likes to read
Grey - Cis dude, str8, dating wenda. a fluffy grey dog ( a breed of shepherd dog to be specific ) usually wears a Weezer shirt and a pair of baggy blue jeans. he smells like Britney spears midnight fantasy perfume
slightly sarcastic, seems tired, chill, not much exaggerated personality, he uses perfume because wenda forces him because cologne smells bad to her and she doesn't like it.
Brud - CIs dude, even he's not sure what he is or who he likes lol. a fluffy brown critter ( I don't know what to make him lol ) with a grey bucket on his head, his eyes are off center and he has two mandibles around his mouth.( I feel like he'd be some sort of bug ), he wears a light brown sweater and black jeans. he smells like dirt and moss but in a really good way.
he's clumsy, a bit dumb, and he likes to eat moss when nobody's around. Garnold - CIs dude, married w/ clukr. a critter who usually wears a pair of oil stained overalls, a white t-shirt, and giggles on his head, his gold suit has goggles on it's head, the suit has springlocks in it and it has an electronic visor, it's made of steel and the springlocks are located in his upper and lower torso, arms, neck, head, and legs. he smells like oil and sweat ( he DOES shower but he works really hard on his creations ) he's buff due to all the heavy-lifting of metal and he spends a lot of time plotting and building robots, both him and clukr built computer, and fun-bot.
OWAKCX - Cis dude, pansexual with no preference. a spiky lime green sea urchin with fluff on his chest. one of his pupils is bigger than the other. he smells like chlorine in a pool. he's very on edge, he's always tense and alert, when relaxed his spikes go down and become fuzzy and fluffy, he chitters when relaxed.
Sky - CIs dude, str8. he's 14 El oh. El. a sky blue bear who's slightly on the bigger side, he's fluffy, and wears pajamas often. he smells like Lysol disinfectant spray
he's your average teenager, but he collects teddy bears, he's chill and laid back, but he also has alot to say and he's kinda snarky. he thrifts alot of his bears so he has to clean them using lysol
Durple - Cis dude, Bi. a purple dragon with a slightly longer neck than the other sprunkis, he has two long slightly curled horns and webbed fins ( or ears ) on the side of his head. he smells like smoke very faintly. he's very funny and cracks a lot of jokes, he can breath fire and huff smoke out of his nostrils when upset, he's bigger than the other sprunkis due to him being a dragon.
Simon - Transmasc, has a fat crush on oren but he doesn't know. a fluffy yellow alien with spikes on the sides of his head,his hair is curly, he usually wears a white t-shirt and baggy sweatpants. he smells like cologne.
he's loud, energetic, and drinks a lot of soda, he likes playing video games w/ oren and he makes fun of him when he loses. he's very out of pocket and has little to no filter.
Tunner - CIs dude, bi. a critter ( he's not really an animal but he's DEF something. ) who's both fluffy and scaly in different areas. he wears sheriff/cowboy lookin' stuff and he has a very western accent. he smells like fall trees.
he's kind, and gives off dad vibes, he has a STRONG western accent and he enjoys driving and allowing the wind to get in his fur ( and on his scales )
VOICES computer - ??? no clue. a computer bot thingy. a computer who was built a body, his arms and legs are skinny and metal, while his hands and feet are soft and have pawpads. his head is a computer screen and his torso is protected with durable metal. his tail is a black wire with a charger port on the end. he has a propeller hat on. he smells like metal???
he', he likes to have fun and party, he can charge himself by sticking his tail into an outlet. he was garnold's and cluker's first creation.
Wenda - Cis chick, dating grey. a fluffy white cat with curly, soft hair. she's tall and hovers over anyone she stands by, she smells like perfume and vanilla.
wenda is slightly rude, but also very flirty when it comes to grey, she's very teasing and she likes to go mall shopping and make grey come with her, and she lets him go to hot topic el oh el.
Pinki - Cis chick, she a MAD lesbian on God trust. a pink fluffy rabbit who wears bows in her hair. she wears juicy couture jumpsuits and other stuff of their brand. she smells like perfume. like. REALLY strongly of really nice perfume brands.
pinki is a girly girl who's actually really sweet, like, REALLY. sweet, she offers to buy the other sprunkis food and presents and she's very sentimental,
Jevin - Cis dude, blacks little e-kitten.. EHELP. jevin is a blue fluffy critter who wears a cloak all the time, if you pull his hood down he has fluffy hair that's very soft to the touch. he smells like a candle??? Idk
jevin is a closed off, very introverted cultist who doesn't speak much. he's selectively mute and only really talks to black, he's tall and slim and her rarely takes his hood down. he's basically black's disciple but he really doesn't want to be but he won't fess that up to black ( he's kinda scared of him )
Black - Cis dude, jevins emo alpha..EHELPME. black is also. fluffy. and he's a shapeshifter who usually takes the form of a slightly humanoid with a black tophat. he smells like. good. but you can;t really pinpoint what he smells like he just smells decent idk.
black doesn't speak much, and he's also very closed off, but he's a master manipulator who makes slick, smooth moves on the other sprunkis for his own will, he has a condescending attitude and he's kinda unnerving to talk too. anywaysss uhh. yeah. giggle. I will draw my designs of them later
this was on my. Tumblr.
On My TUmblr.
moment i heard happily married to garnold, vro pls marry me /silly /j
you're the GOAT 💜
Bro I ate ur tunner hcs and left nothing else/pos
THANK YOU you're the GOAT 💜
RAAHHHH 💜 💜 💜 💜 a FIRE PERSON is in my REPLIES 💜
you had me before the black's e-kitten.
WAIT I DIDNT MEAN IT I think jevin is manipulated by black and he eventually falls in love but not really love. more like. idk how to explain. emrm.
so like, false love? confusion? skibidi
something of this sort yesings!!!!!!!!!
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Sillyos that have sadly replaced the other sillyos..for a while
(The one on the left and right are both made in school)
"seen stuff"
i know what kind of stuf
BLUUU! sorry i firgot to add the guy ill do it later
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hc that wenda is from vietnam
this reminds me I typed so much about my sprunki hcs hold on
caramel be like: "
bro you crazy
has zawg never had a hug zamn
Zamn wth happened😭
ohhhhhh that caramel
Surprised he didn't eat him
That was me lmao
I drew that lmao
lmao nice
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should i try
if u want vro
talk to wendus she's very enjoyable I'm having a jolly time conversing with her. joy.
Have y'all ever watched content on another language so much u forgot your own language
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bald jevin. uhrrm
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hey uh,,, im zee,,, wassup 🙄🙄
wanna peel my banana
harassing wenda and asking if she wants to peel my banana or twist my bop it or slobber on my bone or spank my monkeyHELP
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math hw sucks chat
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math is so hard
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yall on the gartic please finish soon its been 8 minutes
I love absolutely shipping my oc with Black and forcing y'all to draw her
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Gray Meets Wenda:
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whys wenda stabbing grey in the eye with her fluff dawg 😔😔
hrmrmr, skibidi
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Chat should i get Rodger or Cosmo
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idk both
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rodger 😼
Ok I'll get him but i'm at school rn
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dude can the gartic host go to the next slide or something,,,
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7 😍
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fish and chips 😼
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hawk tuah
I remember one time there was a blackout floor 11 and there was a main and this poppy just went like
And left the floor untouched... most surprising day of my life tbh I have never seen a poppy do such hard work other than my sister who currently has 3 mains and started as poppy too(she does solo runs all the time)😀
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ikm saying this again every hour happy birthday subspace ily!!!!!
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im back and idk why