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I love moths

(1 edit)

My oc: Lavender


Normal mode

Horror Lavender

Horror mode

she's female and other details are in the pictures


  • She is severely afraid of blood but in horror mode she resists/ignores the fact that she's covered in blood
  • She's in the good side in horror mode, she's just very protective of her friends
  • Her horror version has a detail that comes from her past

I know I made the face and eyes wrong just get on with it

Help my friend sent this to me like an hour ago and im now fully invested in this, lord

horror form of axon

finally finished their horror forms

My oc Zara :D

Her horror version (what she so mad for :P)

here's my new oc: Axon


wenda's kinda hot guys

Deleted 115 days ago

i don't mean in a freaky way i just like her design bro

Deleted 114 days ago
Deleted 115 days ago

get off your sweaty greasy ipad and go to sleep it's past 7:30 pm

(2 edits)

My Sprunki oc! (the horror version it's a sketch :P)


Sounds like a melody

In horror mod her voice is trembling a lot

Mostly a very sweet and kind person :3

She's pretty traumatized and unhinged (as a cope mechanism in horror mode)

P.D: Please someone tell me their opinion of my oc I beg u ToT

aloe, humour, boil, bolt, replied, wing, noted, unit, limbo, miniaturise, zulu, cite, girl, direct, game, gushy, implement, burly, suave, horde, unbalance, funny, stove, clap, gild, late, tick, punk, emulate, elite, task, castle, blind, board, stiff, giant, hoar, spring, emphasize, grid, fish, country, askew, ate, keg, fond, having, annex, chaff, comic, blue, nearby, manipulate, compartmentalise, bowed, abuzz, license, buttonhole, take, butcher, human, curse, burnt, mad, brush, sad, rum, slick, cabin, base, teleoperate, porch, heave, parts, eight, sentence, slews, kit, far, case, toxin, nasty, bandy, balm, bar, utter, bluster, hiccup, parallel, snare, fired, slack, prosy, practical, liquidize, dump, waist, ruler, smoky, package, aloof, hilly, confound, oxygen, class, ingest, tunnel, chose, slump, lung, process, epoxy, drunk, piece, cripple, sum, metal, orphan, lax, rude, worth, aglow, curd, cross, everyone, stable, caught, best, shift, plus, smile, barn, tax, slope, toon, tiger, slang, think, paint, frustrate, oxbow, lacy, principle, acculturate, prioritize, arbor, recur, done, spam, today, lined, veil, stare, leap, hunter, laugh, taped, viper, overcharge, clench, sweat, delouse, fused, fake, yummy, pubic, whilst, jaggy, station, snooze, woody, cozy, none, running, tow, vouch, such, contrive, dig, bugle, anthologise, try, skit, green, involved, port, molt, faint, modern, clean, seven, grown, shop, wrong, shoulder, bully, four, later, blank, encapsulate, tightly, needy, stand, bode, odd, undercut, rural, liquefy, chaos, song, back, butch, three, bean, upskill, tan, tape, bell, soldier, elapse, every, given, low, acidify, swish, prise, plot, foul, simulate, else, flame, skip, icky, fries, hype, wait, depot, sister, horn, phone, weeny, emit, surf, liver, mouse, harsh, freak, groan, coast, delay, eyed, together, cat, baked, does, snap, cope, language, ago, coot, run, impersonate, announced, hurtle, moped, rad, stoop, volume, lay, grill, protrude, key, trade, nodded, bob, hazel, beat, obliterate, daft, ding, exit, ozone, bequeath, goofy, calm, pull, murky, wife, prime, scar, scrimp, courage, bushy, twist, deflate, herd, moisturize, snipe, root, club, avoid, independent, colt, pug, cove, development, thump, next, index, watts, sober, fatal, operation, fire, customs, gone, cable, afford, risen, liaise, momma, rumor, keen, old, beak, inept, apish, firm, transgress, plush, fishy, hip, cartwheel, pervert, savor, bribe, brisk, trim, pot, caw, worship, runny, misfile, smudge, block, gray, streamline, stomach, leaf, pants, appearance, buck, fly, tried, elect, held, send, justify, date, caution, eerie, turf, chief, winter, skid, noble, query, couch, there, loco, bale, swab, dread, western, jumbo, eleven, final, reskill, uncut, pasteurize, grovel, spec, bogus, attic, famed, whirl, whiny, test, trap, hind, sprout, overt, aware, heat, never, grey, mango, shoes, nine, agony, boon, storm, born, drop, epic, lanky, therefore, position, impinge, meal, quick, invalid, romp, government, few, magic, moor, sympathise, young, tender, leeds, keep, frozen, jazzy, look, starve, be, slew, scrap, exactly, salmon, play, seed, stipulate, pluck, union, road, function, vandalise, chomp, airlift, yucky, plate, localise, impact, pooch, fan, season, jet, browse, write, march, naval, rain, dinky, dare, ruby, smart, bust, print, variety, beach, wall, main, bitmap, akron, necklace, stables, quiet, brash, brave, pailful, flak, traumatize, bot, ration, miser, bullshit, electricity, husky, expectorate, bias, resell, authorise, weak, compute, reflate, properly, rogue, summarise, mental, narrowcast, work, line, chip, scold, headed, wool, macho, mesh, accouter, becoming, mark, rope, outrage, fairly, modal, allocate, blab, clonk, musty, ultra, brother, oil, spoil, minus, coffee, dunce, church, lots, character, dual, awing, unsubscribe, value, inert, commence, soapy, tabulate, vague, combine, opposite, left, bad, home, eager, mean, fertilise, tours, equipment, huge, crowd, bee, leaky, factorise, loose, swift, toned, anvil, hunk, jive, tar, meld, refuse, carp, alert, angry, news, mug, baggy, chill, gawky, come, tolerate, unroll, wart, sale, filth, knacker, aphid, gain, prank, reverberate, snore, refused, hypnotise, taxi, polls, lounge, normalize, swell, ski, fat, sheep, mauve, pop, gash, roll, building, aid, doctor, win, bread, modernise, oval, column, chain, cold, downplay, scandalise, shelf, tipsy, rust, hiss, than, gold, wake, delete, stark, inane, van, bristle, mistake, drum, tubby, reappear, rosy, that, herb, bedevil, loopy, putter, wherever, macro, nuts, resonate, dress, flip, volumize, mum, oxidize, twee, lion, ally, jeer, coach, prop, slate, compost, gate, agglomerate, terraform, egg, portion, roast, forward, front, graze, excitement, dog, schmooze, ever, prune, shut, unwed, some, incarnate, seamy, wide, garage, tent, equal, kilt, nod, cheek, score, hire, pounce, plan, primitive, detail, shame, pony, usage, fetishise, eke, super, found, power, unless, flash, verb, horse, defecate, layer, mural, realign, sham, lot, terms, spumy, further, form, rankle, worst, memory, moonwalk, nibble, mutter, drip, fumble, forgotten, procure, world, reimburse, despoil, sure, who, pray, lose, got, rusty, gift, graft, happily, snaky, phony, gather, rates, vain, above, social, poet, booze, call, sharp, interest, widely, betray, death, scoot, morning, dissuade, airplane, paved, sojourn, deskill, learn, apart, choose, easily, shot, zero, novel, underline, friar, then, here, might, quieten, seen, hexed, beset, third, silver, lever, zesty, moral, patch, juicy, jumpy, accurate, lamb, inch, postmark, conjoin, restrain, jib, cannulate, moot, cream, nothing, purr, fun, boar, enrage, tuba, price, time, ritzy, like, pause, boast, compact, teeter, in, ahead, light, riot, dry, yellow, charbroil, coy, inner, hale, accent, outer, rod, youth, acid, incentivize, curly, trump, hulk, event, kept, vivid, actor, axle, sock, batter, festoon, cards, mere, woozy, mask, transfuse, seep, mighty, dyed, proud, while, solo, tub, siren, ocean, angle, mud, north, formalize, huffy, bend, fluff, brink, oreo, java, cage, distend, navy, brown, crook, spat, euthanise, lawn, spattering, lass, easy, lack, tail, option, guru, close, opportunity, bead, postulate, detach, exercise, element, germinate, screen, ugly, wagon, carefully, elf, moss, upbraid, tobacco, sand, begin, classroom, hour, poise, vowel, sneak, special, tin, spare, represent, interrupt, poor, anyone, produce, television, judge, emancipate, unfit, whole, dope, box, bet, hurt, loot, oral, filmy, stage, slowly, bur, retract, sonny, sheer, quietly, basal, trail, wimpy, stutter, grind, respect, deconstruct, nary, alien, seems, crumb, wise, premaster, timid, waxed, mail, pier, ham, handy, underbid, bridge, ensnare, chargesheet, perk, fume, oates, teeth, idle, disrobe, rich, mars, glee, drew, tray, pale, sound, bowls, apt, subdivide, riff, keyed, reader, police, oily, upper, stranger, spoken, predominate, enjoy, abhor, computerise, indicate, famous, elves, compensate, phrase, out, casserole, hot, comment, between, corner, peril, bony, yell, recent, slave, grove, minor, ignite, milky, flaky, original, cheer, exile, ballot, discourse, suffice, standard, gecko, busy, offend, chum, pasteurise, stay, empty, poppy, thumb, stepped, omen, clothing, crab, path, five, itself, drawn, taboo, steep, provision, dorm, your, tote, scrummage, void, tide, hover, jig, bored, tuck, join, soap, ace, swung, hearing, filter, sign, wince, remarkable, scuff, snake, chest, beta, potty, adult, nervous, match, month, service, chart, doing, gradually, upset, topic, steed, auction, construction, posset, bent, pong, wealth, ninth, flail, tidy, jowly, buried, rhyme, fast, flatter, motor, vast, hello, chick, optic, tie, hairy, inaugurate, remain, humid, bed, downgrade, paid, tabby, poke, shirt, dovetail, bumpy, kids, soon, problem, tall, refit, long, sets, booty, bush, stuff, wallop, perturb, jury, last, catty, distinguish, donkey, medal, traverse, glad, group, claim, cost, flies, use, mob, pert, lunar, spell, temp, cue, melt, drink, sharpen, arrow, sip, most, twin, more, tire, boozy, explain, mistrust, lying, cuddle, bone, lady, afoot, fertilize, birch, oust, freeload, equip, unhappy, convey, chase, rejuvenate, prattle, goes, ill, smuggle, mace, afire, greater, closely, brow, commute, hoax, tubed, industry, accident, creed, gossip, rise, lynch, repulse, ark, upstage, pick, shade, wound, command, plane, quit, equalize, bit, war, pierce, torture, sewed, feel, thing, hotfoot, genuflect, studying, sworn, derby, lapel, balmy, safeguard, odds, would, ennoble, able, loss, to, folks, neat, book, humiliate, triangle, nearest, before, mulch, fester, sky, resect, level, fulfill, pipe, model, kinky, rattle, mirky, bull, divide, ancient, shore, gouge, recover, eulogize, solemnize, tough, brood, spray, drove, alive, skill, reset, step, herself, theorise, gust, winch, mine, natural, loner, excellent, birth, dane, prescribe, mucus, tumor, situation, colorize, zit, wrap, theory, lake, sorry, lush, subtend, wooly, heir, continent, house, sub, built, fated, aged, pore, banks, only, sore, material, alphabet, hoary, rake, ache, silly, elaborate, vinyl, embroil, pad, open, suborn, focal, seize, spice, sands, nifty, motto, halt, stony, shard, interior, alpha, gen, cycle, beef, team, money, brag, hanker, cower, miscalculate, dawn, align, steepen, mist, humanise, hemp, uncover, dug, one, condition, sunk, numeral, beefy, hard, way, beyond, politicise, sweet, quid, plump, outdistance, extra, giving, chewy, due, stop, fine, impel, chirp, nerve, chess, solid, clown, cured, burp, fry, graph, procreate, cavil, brie, mover, harder, fix, rectify, enable, became, perfect, surmount, pear, hybridize, finally, sling, nearer, silky, acres, ruin, magnet, cock, mature, same, actualize, lump, recently, buggy, it, adventure, lone, burn, fallen, buns, onion, tale, single, top, overestimate, better, broke, offer, crabs, fruit, dramatise, idolise, hurdle, moisten, ear, skyjack, lucid, luck, medicine, setup, bisect, darkness, puffy, yam, fuse, information, hurried, tidal, kneel, boob, married, tool, music, gag, stoic, hive, comb, black, jinx, stunt, dire, glint, oaf, dive, whizz, cap, eye, videotape, lego, kick, swamp, annoy, briny, zoo, smirk, pack, buffalo, ton, forgive, categorize, manic, leash, friendly, rays, arbitrate, rink, dried, slap, flea, great, button, salty, bard, bag, hoick, overact, tinkle, vet, gang, boycott, abrogate, stared, ratty, neglect, lyric, dork, previous, resin, duty, supersede, flaw, loyal, mile, scamper, ashy, printed, disaffiliate, okay, bared, baron, obstruct, put, forget, pure, useful, catalyze, effect, romance, sane, bound, company, ivory, encounter, nation, instant, slaty, riser, meander, lefty, up, see, draw, swallow, order, log, franchise, reaffirm, sometime, remodel, messy, brail, wood, plates, bossy, alto, burnish, tumble, harvest, journey, gates, lid, largest, pig, hell, toxic, douche, rife, nigh, butter, wrack, vent, own, flap, pricy, craft, hired, munch, grade, where, talky, introduced, fray, total, her, pen, studied, rail, cease, appropriate, depose, rasterize, bustle, desk, despise, culture, dirty, repeat, slime, muggy, pretty, mice, stock, lour, maker, dream, moo, double, west, wader, soupy, evidence, buff, hasten, mane, fillet, pill, contextualise, tip, poach, tales, persist, weedy, answer, everywhere, carry, haze, cube, lost, incarcerate, treasure, damp, chop, leaving, simplify, bill, cast, loon, brat, degree, lard, fort, reply, actually, solve, poleax, privilege, end, faded, aloud, snaffle, rifle, locate, testy, fought, falter, fives, away, compliment, modem, fumed, prize, other, settlers, blame, peaky, powder, notice, nice, hobo, ideal, honor, sage, sough, decor, hypnotize, breakfast, vocal, retrain, flat, immolate, spool, hives, remand, premiere, envy, sent, national, even, jack, upholster, vapor, gloss, large, high, lumber, baseball, beery, torn, haw, mess, pulse, compartmentalize, shy, clay, fighting, iron, fancy, congratulate, sash, merely, portend, swirl, attention, enter, hamper, whale, wage, aside, simplest, mambo, spicy, quack, nearly, you, prick, weather, influence, demob, hasty, corrupt, expression, unblock, ninja, native, program, conk, adept, mono, brawn, retell, scribble, drear, criticise, till, ego, facet, wring, fox, curvy, silence, mission, grape, maybe, hail, lunch, bomb, decimalize, gummy, salon, posed, suck, marks, suddenly, cash, bruit, mown, cred, wings, tube, razz, facing, dusk, syringe, stress, owing, ran, brute, dill, overstate, batten, tamed, detain, hitchhike, find, realize, gripe, sandbag, biker, thread, rate, unknown, word, raw, rub, constantly, dummy, hook, concuss, bind, womb, shack, near, memorise, telemeter, ajar, flock, misread, whenever, quarter, crumple, meet, snide, tuner, astir, dollarize, twiddle, through, pooh, organization, smooch, guard, import, heavy, room, bunk, slain, brief, badge, failed, gape, alike, afro, bravo, repel, rescue, dust, tense, this, jade, tweak, dated, scream, derive, student, follow, hokey, disengage, suction, avian, assimilate, oat, aioli, rash, digitalise, both, coo, bottle, dairy, ream, still, brim, specific, rose, after, foot, ump, based, small, wain, cloak, carol, say, were, downy, break, dicey, occasionally, bowl, drain, vine, witty, fear, crop, falls, spa, hog, writer, catalog, control, vibe, renovate, jolt, diagnose, timed, ladder, anticipate, systematize, interpose, fixer, domed, land, accomplish, ionic, smother, excited, finer, noisy, expunge, surprise, satirise, sob, we, saved, circle, site, filch, moon, two, dank, royal, son, maxim, plastic, throat, cave, dull, abridge, whistle, putt, rapidly, standardise, wore, fizz, rebrand, surly, setting, tempo, beer, capture, watch, doze, keelhaul, pimp, since, ashen, drape, bow, cordon, spend, help, define, whom, skin, landscape, smith, pair, strut, weird, externalise, seat, clue, saute, exact, reed, bowdlerize, regal, forgot, frizz, bitch, ravel, older, olden, river, requisition, us, ask, planned, rig, dodgy, idolize, mute, bonk, yesterday, radio, getting, salaam, squab, least, bug, frat, globe, snug, inky, fact, molar, nap, edit, jungle, clear, titillate, rocky, musk, panel, sized, thy, fiery, liked, seeing, bum, picture, clock, used, valet, escort, tiny, jam, draft, trumpet, anti, flesh, tongs, cackle, apartment, lob, early, spent, resize, generally, letter, rush, personal, char, trot, scruple, heart, guilt, fuel, mimic, hex, research, befall, olive, sport, eyes, religious, extradite, organ, damn, delimit, feminize, nobody, hefty, radicalize, reform, direction, blown, immortalise, liberate, eyeball, grim, simple, volt, lossy, differentiate, common, relationship, newspaper, behove, ion, charm, overextend, pluralize, risk, haunt, blur, sally, wonky, saver, hinge, island, camp, ax, maximise, pudgy, deal, straw, rest, pocket, dilate, bank, fur, guppy, squeeze, higher, rower, made, overhear, tart, combination, verge, railroad, tunic, sidle, hunch, logic, hush, washy, accessorize, mod, dormy, whoop, sear, bong, awake, godly, meow, masculinize, fresh, manicure, blurt, recant, change, transact, lift, needs, distribute, optimise, merry, enthrall, avid, flint, thank, day, symbolize, retry, greet, pink, aisle, teach, exude, repatriate, show, climate, machinery, bass, gin, link, additional, reason, advance, fidget, beady, hack, zip, similar, outstay, punks, he, vapid, full, transpire, lurch, ante, packetise, dollar, manly, cloth, tackle, vacate, occur, sutra, hole, triumph, arch, canonize, inculcate, less, denitrify, contradict, boned, occlude, windy, fold, glut, crazy, achy, ball, grad, acute, grew, nauseate, sixty, fifth, floor, preview, stagy, bawl, pass, writ, ferment, point, oxen, proof, written, leg, just, crisp, potatoes, ideate, broad, legal, crud, beamy, uninstall, strength, bidet, slag, arrangement, flounce, sword, misinterpret, shush, moment, mount, crash, short, glade, gram, vegetable, tab, limited, spurt, bite, anyway, disdain, handle, bear, fret, unbuckle, tour, monopolise, honey, beads, inherit, isolate, sun, south, asphyxiate, coruscate, twelve, pine, scrub, man, seek, hunt, gazunder, lear, pixellate, throw, gyrate, reassure, gut, farther, cute, any, kind, star, shoe, gussy, balance, pain, sumer, levy, down, amount, somebody, hut, scull, abrade, puny, inside, disrespect, new, prim, understudy, bud, ostracize, mind, jump, shred, when, supplement, assail, share, hated, algae, regularize, mossy, nudge, fog, mushy, stone, consent, stairs, salt, slow, readjust, bare, kludge, free, shiny, radar, laid, trunk, limp, awful, wispy, assuage, deer, meaty, shells, petal, mysterious, fifty, typify, linen, local, grief, angst, mama, imp, relish, donor, result, sunder, all, zing, origin, furnish, freedom, ample, cleanse, sewn, shed, cavort, floating, oozy, ring, mass, die, avail, halfway, unfed, hem, sunset, mamba, flier, matt, mined, armed, smoodge, sleep, beige, lumpy, undersell, stick, toe, pane, wet, pie, centralize, helix, forwards, mock, of, reach, crow, remove, mixed, duck, eclipse, hooks, stung, pool, promised, goose, digs, park, bicycle, freestyle, undervalue, awned, silty, matter, cubic, led, neck, air, window, cargo, interwork, hat, misty, interbreed, flask, chow, toughen, paginate, tiled, shill, warp, obscure, clerk, loud, combo, half, barrel, hollow, swarm, breeze, lisp, tomorrow, repackage, hater, revel, piggy, mired, cool, cub, bold, email, doubt, extemporize, habit, articulate, wads, lace, disinherit, philosophize, coincide, must, dime, chemical, should, first, birthday, bang, euthanize, route, antsy, tint, denigrate, shout, parks, taco, during, thrill, toboggan, loony, snow, talon, persuade, flummox, sneeze, min, taken, pitt, cleft, eat, report, entrench, behold, slice, donut, fussy, floss, enemy, rings, tinny, cotton, whose, hay, cork, disease, pit, tailgate, reintroduce, boy, load, orbit, leach, atomise, assassinate, credential, cascade, gargle, mould, thicken, mint, motivate, thorn, also, mold, tile, condemn, nominate, moat, spin, car, recollect, pun, anime, devote, flush, labor, oldest, hull, benchmark, memorize, wild, pagan, red, consort, walk, suffocate, recruit, maze, broom, sulky, track, forty, loan, smash, six, undue, plug, finish, dud, dozen, frank, paw, retrofit, size, composed, implore, axial, dither, layup, sap, jawed, picket, fair, misrepresent, refer, rough, sample, extrapolate, weepy, descale, tusk, snarl, collect, scary, snub, have, dissemble, coordinate, section, approximate, succor, obey, education, week, wheel, magma, ford, lapse, aqua, fab, welcome, improve, cell, sight, preheat, if, fasten, zoom, troop, colony, mealy, milk, hug, across, cone, will, abnegate, mince, bereave, repeal, decide, relegate, believed, stretch, fork, hide, superintend, self, apron, sequester, quail, thin, irony, amp, prior, investigate, lusty, picky, truck, rank, tonic, rehash, exemplify, easel, tacky, cut, include, seer, clang, lobe, allow, consider, pasty, nullify, joint, lunge, stuck, essay, awry, available, under, oasis, blink, metabolise, harp, breathe, ghostwrite, read, ants, sold, poetry, queen, corral, gem, acre, polar, concerned, repress, mangy, rouge, blabber, dusky, cuff, veneer, font, finest, soften, jaywalk, acned, nervy, rugby, defer, rear, medic, tribe, consume, input, utilize, wort, ripe, backfill, embolden, surrounded, beret, snail, khaki, taffy, good, booth, integrate, dear, beautiful, info, flats, neighborhood, frequently, split, tush, strip, know, typecast, text, blond, copy, greed, puff, eaten, putting, travel, eviscerate, vary, thick, chalk, search, rummy, sandy, dandy, peer, feed, bagel, major, rice, tier, cod, jolly, particles, treble, king, gulp, molecular, tenor, energy, jock, happy, natty, mend, mixer, supply, ray, deform, redecorate, subject, lips, his, adore, asset, stale, musky, accrue, dance, glow, cause, particular, face, lionise, reinvent, probably, rite, redistrict, fame, cheat, withhold, dink, bane, breathalyze, cords, scope, induce, spark, mellow, recognise, exorcize, ripen, ready, name, ratio, penalise, pet, smacknext, beta, eyes, beads, revert, adder, yummy, slot, disappoint, lump, shinning, infill, prove, buttonhole, moat, pear, posed, fought, elect, poll, shorter, bossy, junky, hasty, globe, here, travel, bad, mix, marsh, rouge, shaky, string, epic, hedge, pesky.

what is bro yapping about

took me 22 minutes and 49 seconds to write this 20438 characters

for what purpose (I say in a very British accent)

no reason

mucho texto

Show post...

what in the bloody spice king youtube shorts

BRO FIRE 10/10


fun time

game fire 10/10

fun time

guyss should i redo zip's design orrr should i just make a new oc?


art ig :P

uh. horror form??.. (i don't like it)

and I dooooo



anddd her horror form, she still sounds like an omnichord but choppy, slower and low pitched
(1 edit) (+1)

Why tf she holding it like that

(2 edits)

sprunki oc!!

hey look i made oc, she is sage blue (or just sage) and she sounds like an omnichord


would you like

To have some fun🙀


(1 edit) (+1)

Three OCS thingy's [still making their horror forms]


Spunki oc thingy ( ignore the flipaclip bar )




oo noice

What is the Sprunki tweaking about..


Idk don’t ask me😭😭😭



Humanized version of Zami 🥳 (not my oc!)




so cuteeeee my sprunki oc or something uhh idk



Tbh it looks better than other Sprunki OCs. What sound does it make? :)

I made a sprunky oc her name is clouder!



Bfdi mentioned 🙏🙏

Bfdi moai with gyatt simper



Bfdi moai with gyatt simper


What’s up w/ the🔻😭

Bfdi moai with gyatt simper

someone on here had a Rob Cantor pfp and now I can’t find them 😞😞😞🙏🙏🙏


new and improve horror for warning!!,!ekeidii


i love my oc

i imagine every time someone says OWAKCX's name they just shout it as loud as they can







wrong game bro


Look at my oc yall



I'm gonna die despite the fact that Pinki x Oren is canon (confirmed by creator in the wiki)

Here yo grave then😀🫴🪦




Eles todos os mortos eles estão n são REAIS vc n pode se esconder vc n esta segurança fuja fuja fuja..CORRA CORRA CORRA


Imma blast the poopoo dookie dog water tunes imma make in the sprunki kitchen

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