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Should be there an Ultrakill-esque Terminal on This is NOT a Dating Sim 

personally yeah

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Chat imma be going eep soon

Can someone play roblox, perhaps dandys world

REVIVE THE FUCK UP- Oh katt is here

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Mk i need someone to give me an idea who should make the marimba sound. I have a backup in case i cant get anything better to do it

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this thing has marimba


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trying to do a run // why’d gigi chase me for 2 minutes straight 💜

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Water canine spin


this is so scary.

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I love it’s low quality-ness

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Ur never gonna believe this…

Markiplier (my mod) makes (almost) the same sound as your malware baji

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Done with Katt’s Submission (I refuse to believe that he is only an outline)

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Wow, it looks amazing! Thanks bro! (Fair Point)

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Np :3

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Is dandy's world copyrighted

I have absolutely no idea but seeing how survival buff goob the killer got privated out of fear(or maybe something else) I think so

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I mean that uses the ASSETS of the game, which is different from copyrighting the game itself or the characters

7 is 

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Aww man 😊

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Some sounds i will be changing are piano, harpsichord, and synth bass.

Some sounds I MIGHT be replacing are marimba, xylophone, and choir


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this joke on the big 25

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Why are they all pissed? Why aren’t Owackx or Black pissed?

not funny

Didn’t laugh

You can’t see blacks mouth because his mouth is black

But if you remove the blackness you can see the pissed offedness in him

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Imma def change some after release tho.

what did you use for chezburgers.

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I had to pay for literally every ai voice website, so i just used the Og “can i haz cheezburger plz?” Twice per loop

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Rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all sounds are done for v0.1

Don't mind me just Dropping some ideas for the current dandy's world creepypastas(i love pasta) off here

Since I'm too lazy to write everything for lost tisha I'll just do stalker sprout

(This is NOT real obv!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna boil you alive) 

So you can use any toon for this, but the ones that have a strong friendship with sprout are recommended. Make sure you are COMPLETELY alone before doing this. Wait a few minutes, maybe sit in a call with friends(do not invite them to the server, or it won't work because like I said you need to be alone), do something, I dunno. If you hear something OTHER than the original ambience(such as Dandy's music, elevators, trains, you get me), do NOT move. Instead, move your camera. He's usually behind walls or the gardenview sign. Do NOT look away, always keep an eye on him. If he gets too close, that's when you move. Although it restarts the progress, trust me you don't wanna know what happens when he gets to you. Also, this is NOT sprout. If you're in a run with friends and see a sprout that was never in your run, you can either grief it or leave. The choice is yours. 

How did my fingers not hurt

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steals your idea puts it in my mouth and runs away

all of these are me because they’re my persona.

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Soo uh huh do i gotta make sprites for Copguy

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do you guys want me to make any more art of fnf songs but they’re sprunkomments

(Recommend the song that you want)

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Do something from vs imposter (actually they’re all just the character’s faces nvm)

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Do do Game Over (idk if it has art)

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with your ocsona?

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Uhuojinhubgvyfydetsdtfgvbh sure (idk if both mx and bf are on the cover art. If so make me bf and u Mx)

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chat wake up

Get in the deep fryer. 

what if i dont want to

I will fry you in your sleep.

I will fry you in your sleep.

what if i do it while you sleep :)

I'll know when you fry me in my sleep


highly offensive tw bad words very bad word and angry word that is angry



I am deep frying you.

dude wtf you could get banned for that

ok then i will say another bad word that is very offensive tw offensive and scary creepy angry word to prove that



I will cancel you on spotify for this

my tummy hurt :(

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try not to get scared, scariest stories

while i was watching memes at 3:00am.. someone knocked on my door, door sound as i went to open the door, I asked "who is it", "it's me Michael Jackson". "oh no way its Micheal Jackson" little did i know, it was not Michael Jackson.. but Micheal Jackoffson.


this is so scare.

so scary...there is wet in my pants...

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bigass lolipop

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coming here to say she/her Sunthing is acceptable and honestly i feel comfortable with it

i mean sunthing is genderfluid

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why did i draw this

The chicken makes the dying roach noise.


(1 edit)

yall i dont actually draw like this

this took like 3 minutes to draw and i was worried i was gonna draw them good

guys uhhh

guess who's back, back again

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yo fish

hi fluffin <3

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bish the fish with a sish on a dish

bars fr


It is scaring me. I am scared.

Watch me steal fluffin's catchphrase

Say that again


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Peak cinema

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say that again🧑‍🦲

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I don't know, sterling

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chat gimme a image i should turn into the googly

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i bought a property in egypt and what they do is they give you the property an- 𓂀

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ttaygoihoskyb yddubekz tf you mean "wanna get rizzy wizzy w mc(idk if it actually says that thats just what i see and also yes the text below the "juggler is love juggler is life" text on the shirt thing on the juggler you made which is in the juggler zone)

and yes im not trying to be mean because why would i be mean to a fellow sprunkommenter

depressed gjoob jumpscare

I don’t know

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i remember when we said “omg is lamp gonna be the first itch io user to get more than 10k posts

uhh turns out there a lot more people with that i think

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I love how slashdude says "what is this comment section" not knowing there's an orgy happening on his comment section

Oh the hipocrisy

wait what

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they had fucking e-sex 3 years ago on that comment section 

I just checked 💔


Deleted post


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Cutman is dead and we killed him

(1 edit)

imagine Mr fun computer got protegent


(2 edits)

oops my system crashed I lost all my data and I had antivirus

Antivirus is note ufff you need protopepeskkwoa



super why wanna be

That IS super why

Oh wow.

that’s the wrong image sorry

This is the real one


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guys guess what

theres another white hole(ive known that for pretty much 2 months now) so that might be the white hole who's doing that bad stuff

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